Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 837181 (hide)

Owner CowParade Holdings Corporation

Convention US 6 January 2000 75/888784

Service Davies Collison Cave

Various From the left, the first cow is BLACK with two RED spots, the second cow is BLACK with one YELLOW spot, and the third cow is BLACK with two BLUE spots; the words COW PARADE appear beneath the design; the word COW is featured in RED and the word PARADE is

Filing Date 29 May 2000


Class 16 Printed materials, namely, books, pamphlets, newsletters, brochures and posters in the field of art, tourism and retail trade

Class 25 Clothing, namely, T-shirts, hats, armbands, headbands, visors, jackets, shirts, shorts, wristbands, ties, bowties, boxers, underwear, caps, coats, coveralls, footwear, shirts, hosiery, infantwear and loungewear

Class 35 Promoting the goods and services of others through the creation, distribution and exhibition of promotional painted fibreglass cows

Class 41 Conducting entertainment exhibitions in the nature of civic festivals featuring public art exhibitions

Event Publications

29 March 2012 Application Accepted


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