happy coffee

Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1506342 (hide)

Owner Richard Louis Pty Ltd ACN: 145675207

Service Richard Louis Pty Ltd


Class 30 Aerated beverages (with coffee, cocoa or chocolate base); aerated drinks (with coffee, cocoa or chocolate base); artificial coffee; beverages consisting principally of coffee; beverages made from coffee; beverages with coffee base; chicory (coffee substitute); chocolate coffee; coffee; coffee beans; coffee beverages; coffee beverages with milk; coffee concentrates; coffee drinks; coffee essences; coffee extracts; coffee flavorings (flavourings); coffee mixtures; coffee oils; coffee products; coffee substitutes; coffee-based beverages; decaffeinated coffee; extracts of coffee for use as flavours in beverages; extracts of coffee for use as flavours in foodstuffs; flavoured coffee; freeze-dried coffee; ground coffee; ice beverages with a coffee base; iced coffee (coffee based beverages); instant coffee; malt coffee; malt coffee extracts; mixtures of chicory for use as coffee substitutes; mixtures of coffee; mixtures of coffee and chicory; mixtures of coffee and malt; mixtures of coffee essences and coffee extracts; preparations for creaming coffee (cereal or vegetal based); preparations for making beverages (coffee based); preparations for use in creaming coffee (glucose syrup based); preparations of chicory for use as a substitute for coffee; preparations with a coffee and tea base; unroasted coffee; vegetable based coffee substitutes; vegetable based coffee whiteners; vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes

Event Publications

16 August 2012 Application filed


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