Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1447589 (hide)

Owner Sejal Patel

Service Sejal Patel


Class 30 Rolled wafers (biscuits); salted wafer biscuits; wafer biscuits; wafers (food); cereal based snack food; cereal snack foods flavoured with cheese; crisp snack food products; crispbread snacks; extruded savoury snack foods; extruded snacks containing maize; extruded starch containing snack products; flavourings for snack foods (other than essential oils); flour based savoury snacks; fruit cake snacks; potato flour based snack food products; prepared snacks for human consumption made from cereals; rice based snack foods; sesame snacks; snack bars consisting of chocolate; snack bars containing a mixture of grains, nuts and dried fruit (confectionery); snack bars containing dried fruits (confectionery); snack bars containing grains (confectionery); snack bars containing nuts (confectionery); snack food products consisting of cereal products; snack food products made from cereal flour; snack food products made from cereals; snack food products made from maize flour; snack food products made from potato flour; snack food products made from rice; snack food products made from rice flour; snack food products made from soya flour; snack foods consisting principally of bread; snack foods consisting principally of confectionery; snack foods consisting principally of extruded cereals; snack foods consisting principally of grain; snack foods consisting principally of pasta; snack foods consisting principally of rice; snack foods consisting principally of vegetables; snack foods made from cereals; snack foods made from corn; snack foods made of wheat; snack foods made of whole wheat; snack foods prepared from cereals; snack foods prepared from grains; snack foods prepared from maize; snack foods prepared from potato flour; snack products made of cereals; snack products made principally of cereals; snacks manufactured from cereals; snacks manufactured from muesli; aromatic preparations for food; curried food pastes; dressings for food; dried pasta foods; extruded food products mad e of maize; extruded food products made of rice; extruded food products made of wheat; extruded savoury snack foods; farinaceous foods; flavour enhancers for food (other than essential oils); flavourings for snack foods (other than essential oils); flour for food; flour preparations for food; flour products for food; food pastes (seasonings); food pastes (spices); food products containing cereals; food products containing flour; food products having a pastry base; glucose preparations for food; malt extract for food; malt products for food; mustard preparations for food; potato flour for food; processed grains for food for human consumption; processed grains for use in food; products for use in food preservation (salt); rice based snack foods; rice prepared for food for human consumption; rice products for food; syrup for food

Event Publications

22 September 2011 Application filed


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