Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1382919 (hide)

Owner CakeStar Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 128 105 233

Service Norton Rose Australia Level **** Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000

Filing Date 16 September 2010


Class 30 Cakes; bread; pastry; cake mixes; confectionery; cake powder; icing for cakes; pies; flour preparations for food; biscuits; cookies; edible decorations for cakes; flavourings, other than essential oils, for cakes; muffins; puddings; batter mixes; preparations for making desserts; fruit slices; preparations for making cakes

Class 41 Television entertainment

Event Publications

7 October 2010 Application filed

20 January 2011 Application Accepted

12 May 2011 Trade Mark Registered/Protected


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