Details for Australian Trade Mark No. 1158023 (hide)

Owner Film Pacific Pty Ltd ACN: 053182406

Service Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick


Class 3 Bleaching, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps and detergents in this class; treatment products in this class for finished surfaces including cleaners, cleaner/conditioners, cleaner/polishes, degreasers, glazes, polishes, restorers, shampoos, waxes, sandpaper, sanding blocks, scouring agents, and sealants being protective coating compositions in this class; rust, stain, mould and scuff/scratch removing preparations in this class for treating finished surfaces

Event Publications

15 February 2007 Application filed

27 September 2007 Application/IR Name Amendment and Changes

  The owner's/holder's name has been changed to Film Pacific Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 053 182 406.

26 March 2009 Application Lapsed


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